ChemAxon Tautomers calculator
Dominant tautomers
Takes dominant tautomers only
Rational tautomers
Takes rational tautomers only. Only effective when Dominant tautomers are selected.
Considers pH effect at the given pH (blank: doesn’t consider pH effect)
Path length
Maximum allowed length of the tautomerization path in chemical bonds
Protect aromaticity
Calculated number of tautomers by retaining input aromatic system
Protect charge
Calculated number of tautomers by retaining input charges
Protect double bond stereo
Calculated number of tautomers by retaining input double bond stereo configurations
Protect all tetrahedral centers
Generate tautomers by retaining all input tetrahedral configurations
Protect labeled tetrahedral centers
Generate tautomers by retaining labeled input tetrahedral configurations
Protect ester groups
Generate tautomers by retaining ester groups
Exclude antiaromatic compounds
Generate tautomers by excluding antiaromatic compounds
Filter out symmetrical structures
Generate tautomers by filtering out symmetrical structures