Reporting security issues
If you believe you have found a security issue, please submit the report to
Please provide as many relevant details as you can, for example include the following information in your report:
- Type of issue (cross-site scripting, SQL injection, remote code execution, etc.)
- Product and version with the bug or a URL
- The potential impact of the vulnerability (i.e. what data can be accessed or modified)
- Step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue
- Any proof-of-concept or exploit code required to reproduce
Please follow these points:
- Give us reasonable time to investigate
- Do not use the exploit to take unauthorised information or media from us
- Make reasonable efforts to ensure private information is not distributed
- Do not exploit a vulnerability for any reason
- Do not violate any laws in your jurisdiction
Thank you!
security.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/19 14:49 by flack