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Mcule provides several drug discovery tools that can help to identify drug candidates in the mcule database (link). Each tool can be used as a workflow step when setting up a virtual screening workflow under the “Screen” tab. These tools are either provided for free (link to free package) or through subscriptions (link). You can see a list of your available tools under the “Screen” tab (link) by clicking on the “Select workflow step” field (set to “Exact search” by default). Here is a list of the currently available tools at

Exact search Bulk exact search Similarity search Diversity selection SMARTS query filter Substructure search REOS filter Docking (Vina) Property filter ChemAxon property calculators BioSolveIT FTrees Visual Similarities Sampler

tools.1349993196.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/10/11 22:06 by rkiss